Innovation: art and anti-evolutionary forces in society as visible deposits of history.
Innovation of the series: art key for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series name: Art Formula
Working years of the series from: 1999
Year of work: 1989
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Acrylic paint, canvas on stretcher frame
Dimensions: 64 cm x 80 cm
In the initial shock of 1999, it was completely incomprehensible to me why this closure had been ordered by the authorities in Germany with flimsy and fictitious reasons, when the Third Reich had no longer existed since 1945.
An art formula that explains art to the population and makes people more art-aware and creative, thus strengthening them and democratising all the arts, is still "degenerate art" today? In terms of art history, it can be classified as Pop Art (in Pop Art, the popular symbols of the people are depicted and the individual is elevated as a star). The art formula, in its sheer simplicity, declares Pop Art and all the arts to be innovation, thus making every art Pop Art as well as every human being a creator.
Where is the media outcry of the art historians, the art connoisseurs, the art critics, the philosophers and the intellectual pioneers?
"It seems to have escaped their notice that the art formula
is the emperor of pop art, democratising all the arts while disempowering himself."
Only when I awoke from the rigidity of forced closure some time later and compared the context of the findings from my gene artworks (from the 80s) with the new epigenetic research findings on gene programming and its inheritance, did these provide me with the clue and evidence of what happened in Germany in 1999, as a former Nazi Hitler country, a stronghold and island of reprisals against art and the creators of modern works (who were mostly Jews), through the epigenetic programming of our ancestors and their descendants.
The epigenetic conditioning of the neuronal networks has directed an imprinting of the gene programmes through false information and unobjective media news against innovations in art (Degenerate Art) as well as against the Jewish people, conditioning the consciousness of the Germans through the fears from the Nazi era.
The current opinion of some art historians; that it is impossible to explain art by a formula, supported by the art lover's own experience that art cannot be explained by a formula "because there is no such formula". Art is in the eye of the beholder is the popularised opinion of the educated bourgeois. This has changed the epigenetic conditioning, but has carried the collective fears of the future with these changes right up to the present day. 4.)
This gene programming, as the policy shows, has not yet been largely erased to this day, but it can be collectively erased through the publication of the art formula.
This possibility was prevented by the epigenetically shaped, unconscious subsequent obedience to the Nazi empire until today. 5.)
The German magazines "Prinz" and "Spiegel" reported on the art formula without discredit or malice.
Original text Spiegel by Ulrike Knöfel:
"Thus he has created the art formula "life + expansion of consciousness = art". And in Essen he wants to enlighten the consciousness of the masses - Liedtke reckons with "a million visitors plus XXL". Signs with record-breaking catchwords are to teach astonished laymen what new things famous artists have created: Next to a painting by the Mannerist El Greco is the plaque "Extension of Body Proportions", next to Kandinsky "Beginnings of Abstraction". Such "innovative inventions", Liedtke wants to know, are the only secret of great art. If the amateurs had understood this "language of art", they could then take up artistic action themselves in a creative studio. And thus do something for their heredity. Every realisation, the master believes he has discovered, has an effect on the genes." 6.)
The closure of the art open and the art formula, which has been "tabooed" by the media until today, has had a detrimental effect on the development of creativity and IQ in the population, even though it was already apparent in 1999 that only creative and intelligent societies will have a chance to assert themselves on the world market in the future, and top politicians, authorities and the media were informed by me about the effects of recognised art in a letter at an early stage. If we do not open up art and creativity with the art formula to the population - like reading and writing in the 18th century - we will lose the innovation ground to be successful in the world market.
This behaviour not only violates democracy in general, the Basic Law or constitutions as well as criminal laws and the UN Charter of Human Rights. It is also harmful to the development of society, businesses and the country as a whole, anti-democratic and promotes the "slave trade in voluntary slaves" by reducing personality and intelligence and also locks up information of origin, culture and innovative power of a people as well as the innovative power and evolution of the world's population, such as the "locking away and storing in camps" of important art-historical works and the destruction as well as the theft of cultural property, which also served to separate defeated or dominated peoples from the innnovation of their fathers and to destroy the knowledge stored in the works and monuments of the mental and physical health as well as the power of ideas of a people (see, e.g., Carthage, Alexandria, Alexandria, and the Roman Empire). Carthage, Alexandria and more recently the actions of Stalin, Hitler, Mao). Or to confiscate and imprison the works of art and, as with the great monuments, to provide them with mystical, obfuscated explanations of their existence or their meaning with new and false content (Stone Age caves, pyramids, circular tombs, Stonehenge, Nebra sky disc, etc.). The subjugated population could thus develop little strength, creativity, innovations and should not have the health knowledge of the medicine applications of the wise women and medicine men (who were persecuted and killed). Man had to submit himself and his mind unconditionally to the dogmas of religion and the will of the rulers. Through false and suppressed information, the connection to the innovations stored in one's own old culture was prevented, so that the population could not reconnect to them and stand up as one people against the ruling structures. The people were kept without the power of ideas, in fear, sick and broken, so that the people and the land could be exploited more easily by the rulers. Through humanism, these closures of the mind were gradually lifted. Parliamentary democracy was introduced. With the uplifting of the lost knowledge about the "healing processes of the art and cultural innovations" of the ancestors, today's people can connect to the Enlightenment of the modern era through the demystification of the works of art and have the uncovered knowledge at their disposal. The 2nd Enlightenment (which shows that every human being is a creator) began as a signal with the art open art exhibition in Essen in 1999, which closed after five days.
Should the art formula only be accessible to insiders and art connoisseurs
and remain secret for the working population?
Galileo was condemned because he had written down and passed on his knowledge in Italian, the language of the people, and not in Latin, the language of the clergy, as the Vatican trial records of the time show.
An art formula for the population?
But to this day the population does not know, although at the art formula press conference on
14.7. 1999 at 10 p.m. in the exhibition rooms of art open (in the presence of and in personal conversation about the art formula and its effects on the population with the Zeit editor Ursula Bode) and millions of media coverage through the reporting on the closing of the art exhibition "art open" on 15.7. that there is an easy-to-understand, empirically proven art formula that can be applied to all art forms and with which anyone can understand art quite simply by seeing it and, as a result of this process, increase their own creativity by means of natural neurobiological and epigenetic processes.
In "Die Zeit" on 15 July 1999, Ms Bode wrote ambiguously in an article tainted with conceit and discrediting under the headline: "Spinnerpotenz": "Liedtke is communicative." and explained the art formula with malice in one sentence.
Leonardo da Vinci, who created his works knowing how the formula works, said about the process of working with this knowledge in art: "Seeing and understanding are the same thing".
In 2005, I wrote a book called "Code Liedtke" about the closure of the exhibition "art open", which explains the background of the closure from my point of view. The art formula was correct and stood up to any further empirical examination by research as well as by the best-known art historians. However, there has never been a public discussion about the formula. Awareness of its existence is simply non-existent in Germany and information about it has been withheld from the population - or if the formula has been mentioned, then it has been mentioned superficially and with malice, without engaging with the message and effect of the formula.
Did the art formula and the art open exhibition burst upon art historians with the full force of the method of decoding all the arts too easily for the population, as a breach of the inhumane wall of knowledge that had been maintained for centuries to protect the intellectual demarcation from the proletariat, so that the latter could only react headlong with the unlawful closure of art open and with malice? The helpless and to this day antisocial behaviour of art historians and the media was, in later observation, the art historical accolade for the formula.
Is the free development of personality through creative intelligence and more democracy deliberately not wanted in Germany in 1999? If the leading politicians are not properly informed by their advising art historians, they must make the promotion of creativity among the population a top priority, because the development of the entire country depends on the introduction of the art formula. The EU has recognised this and declared 2009 as the year for promoting creativity among the people. It was of no use because the existence of the art formula did not get through to the politicians.
A Nobel Peace Prize winner on this:
"The publication and application of the formula becomes poverty,
Reduce terrorism and the dangers of war in the world."
"I hope that your pioneering approach will contribute to a more extensive, direct acquaintance of many people with art.
I think that in our time it is a particularly important and noble task."
Mikhail Gorbachev
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate / Patron of the Código Universo art open art exhibition
What makes it so difficult for societies to develop ethically despite the Enlightenment?
Do thinking taboos anchored in history hinder our development?
A closer look and taking into account the new neuronal and epigenetic research results shows that we have been neuronally and epigenetically pre-formed by our history with 5 "secret thought taboos" as a basis of thinking for thousands of years, which are constantly adapted in the present time by the media information, in combination with a selective perception aligned to the epigenetic pre-formation, so that exclusions and, in more recent times, the new National Socialism could only develop as a result. However, this is not only true for Germany, but applies without restriction to all groups, societies and countries.
These thought taboos are so fundamental and coded in such a way that we cannot even recognise them as thought prohibitions or taboos. At best, we recognise them as religious commandments, tradition, political opinions or standard phrases, but not as old epigenetic imprints that have survived until today and are constantly renewed and changed by rituals, tradition and information.
It is essential for the ethical development of man to initiate a 2nd enlightenment and to break the 5 taboos.
Learn the easy solution of the Rubik's Cube and impress your friends with your amazing new skill.
The 5 thinking taboos:
Taboo 1 - Only negative media information is interesting.
Readers and viewers want it that way. The media data prove that.
We have freedom of the press.
The reality
The generation and dissemination of fear by the media, film and games industry, which spreads fear of the future, with an overemphasis on disturbing content (fictional or non-fictional) reduces creativity and intelligence through the negative neuronal networking in the brains of the recipients. It conveys a one-sided negative view of the world and genetically generates a strong addiction to negative news, depression, aggression, war and thus creates a negative information spiral as a selective perception system. Independent of the genetically grown, limited range of perception of our own sensory organs up to approx. 100 metres (from contemporary reports and hearsay up to approx. 100 km without pictures) of the human being, fear-producing information of the world becomes omnipresent in our consciousness (far beyond the range of our genetically predetermined sensory organs) through the media, so that global and thus quasi inescapable threats of this world are generated as real in our brain and the negative selective perception from the media confirms this "extreme peculiarities world view. Research proves that we become aggressive or depressed or both, which can be epigenetically reflected in our gene programmes and thus in our behaviour and that of our children.
Since we are genetically (pre-)programmed for negative species-preserving information for evolutionary reasons in a kind of addiction, we find ourselves in a genetic fear trap that developed millions of years ago to protect species preservation, but now, through those in power and the media, can be directed against our evolution and health. These ancient genetic programmes with a direct information circle of the sensory organs of 50 - 250 metres and information transmitted by hearsay with an indirect information circle of up to approx. 100 km are used to exercise power, exploitation and increase circulation through the global dissemination of fear-generating information. All the fear-generating information in the world is transported through the media into our brains, which are not genetically prepared for the global mass and variety of negative information. We have to wait for further information according to our genetic species preservation programme (our gene programme creates an addictive behaviour for further negative information). Once we have entered this state of addiction through our gene programmes to search for the cause and connections about the information that causes us anxiety, we are blocked in our creative abilities. Hopelessness, depression, sensory deprivation and mental and physical illnesses set in permanently. Only a few people can develop ways out, imagination and confidence in the future in this state, as our history shows. We are constantly looking for more information about the causes of this fear-inducing negative information in the media in order to regain our own power to act and to be able to make creative decisions again.
In the largest undercover psychological study of all time with almost 700,000 test persons, Facebook sent positive news to one part of the 700,000 users and negative news to the other part in 2014. The result: the negative news led to depressive and/or aggressive emotions in many users, while the other users reported positive emotions.
This reduction of IQ has a millennia-old tradition
with the public executions (in which the dignitaries and the population should or could participate), the crucifixions, the burning, the stoning etc. up to today's public "executions" of criminals in print media, on TV and in the social networks. Today, the media have consciously or unconsciously taken over the "task" of IQ reduction.
By preventing a media discussion on compulsory labelling (as with tobacco...) of negative, IQ-reducing media information, the IQ status of the population is further dimmed neuronally. Freedom of the press is preserved in the case of compulsory labelling of health and IQ-damaging information.
Taboo 2 - There is no rule or simple formula for art.
The reality
The false statement about the nature of art that is spread through this blocks the way for us to become more creative on the basis of works of art (through our mirror neurons in the brain) and thus prevents us - as brain research and epigenetics show - from continuously optimising our neuronal networking through the perception of innovations and increasing our intelligence (see also Nobel Prizes and research results of the last 20 years in genetics and medicine).
To make art or the creative power of the population inaccessible to the world's population through a simple formula means:
The possibility of undoing the injured and interrupted neuronal networks produced by negative information by means of a neuronal "bypass repair" by means of creativity, as research results prove, with the art and cognition formula, to improve the IQ again (which can easily be verified in empirical studies), by not communicating the art formula (and that although the art formula is confirmed in 100,000 court rulings globally on innovations and the copies of the copyrights with every ruling and thus there are no doubts worldwide legally about the correctness of the formula and the formula is also unassailable in art history) to the detriment of the IQ development of the population, this connection is concealed. This violates basic laws, the constitutions or criminal laws of many states as well as the UN Charter of Human Rights.
The guarantees of the personal freedom of development, the physical and mental integrity of the basic rights of the human being, which are broken by media and states through NON-EFFECTS, cannot be demanded by the populations, since they are not even aware of these effects (taboo 1) and are not powerlessly exposed to the reduction of their IQ, their personality, their health and freedom independently of the system through cognition and art by means of a simple access of "understanding all art and innovation" with an art formula through taboo 2.
The recovery of a nation is possible in the short term because the innovations and works of art from millennia have been collected in the museums and are already on display. For the first time in their history, museums can fulfil their mission and break taboos 1 and 2 by publishing the formula for their already exhibited works and lead a peaceful revolution through evolution of knowledge and meet the new social, global task in society.
With the overcoming of the taboo breaks 1. and 2.
Taboos 3, 4 and 5 in the human brain are lifted neuronally at the same time with the new selective perception of cognitive information of innovations, since this perception is genetically programmed (NEED) for our evolution and is unlocked by the art formula with neuronal intelligence bypasses. A fearful, aggressive, depressed and IQ diminished population thus became a thing of the past. With the release of the Art Formula (see also the book: "Ethical Capitalism"), Direct Democracy has found a way to a new, better world or our positive development.
This art formula, as the core of the exhibition concept of art open, not only fascinates art connoisseurs, but also contains statements of high explosiveness for natural historians."
"The targeted intervention and rapid acceleration of biocultural evolution that would thus be possible would probably far eclipse all current possibilities of cloning. Looked at closely, the art open's formula of "life + expansion of consciousness = art" perhaps even describes a theoretical concept for the biocultural evolution of mankind as a whole."
Prof. Dr Friedemann Schrenk
Deputy Director of the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
How do these two major trendsetter taboos find their way into the public eye?
The following three taboos lift in the brains of the population when taboos 1 + 2 are broken.
Taboo 3 - You cannot understand infinity.
The reality
The statement excludes infinite resources and energies from research. The lack of infinity research produces, organises and perpetuates the consciousness of finite resources, unreal future fears, exclusions and wars as the world population increases.
Taboo 4 - God or creation is not to be understood.
The reality
Through this, the "creator human being" is "sorted in" only as a worker, a member of a religious community or ideology, a consumer and subject or voter, and is substantially restricted and reduced in his active role for the benefit of humanity as a whole, although research and evolution in all societies (despite their temporary regressions) prove and make visible to us opposite truths about the human being as the creator of his world.
Taboo 5 - A paradise on earth is not realisable through the evil sides of man.
The reality
This is not true, as the epochs after the Enlightenment and especially those of the last 50 years prove. This is to conceal and distract from the fact that we have long been in the process of realising paradise on earth for all human beings through the power of creation, the creativity of human beings and the evolution of humanity.
With the 5 taboos, the intelligence and creativity of the population has been running into epigenetically predetermined intelligence stops for millennia. These stops - coupled with Fake News in the media - lead to IQ lowering and exploitation as well as easy control of populations.
With the demands on a globalised and modern society, these 5 thought prohibitions for the development of a new ethical world in health and with prosperity for all people are our worst hostages, leading to wars and repeatedly setting our evolution back, making dictatorships and wars possible in the first place.
Danger recognised, danger averted
We can implement a 2nd enlightenment to lift the 5 taboos or prohibitions of thinking directly, without revolution and peacefully via the internet.
If you set the 'Second Enlightenment' in motion with the art formula, you immediately get the following visible results:
The economy will develop in mirror image to and sustainably with the population and in terms of a holistic understanding.
Already six months after the introduction of the formula and the beginning of the 'Second Enlightenment', we will be able to perceive the first results in the population.
People are then more active, more motivated
and healthier
and live longer;
and they live happier with it:
less anxiety,
fewer mental stops and feelings of hopelessness,
less depression, which reduces the number of suicides,
less crime and aggression,
more prosperity
(we will be able to see this in statistics after one or two years);
they then have:
more creativity,
more intelligence,
more compassion,
a higher social awareness,
more and better solutions to problems in everyday life and in society,
they will register more inventions,
they will participate more and more actively in the politics and democracy of their countries.
A new understanding of democracy will develop in Ethical Capitalism, with a global thematic and factual internet democracy as well as with ethical balance sheets of companies, people and states. Fuelling fears will be criminalised like bullying. The spirit of the basic laws and constitutions will be taken into account through the introduction of the art formula in school lessons as well as the labelling of fear- and disease-producing information in specially compiled media areas. Such content will be marked with warnings - as in the case of tobacco products, medicines, foodstuffs.... - This will contribute to equal opportunities for all people.
The religions will finally sign a religious constitution of global peace between the religions and with the recognition of human rights.
People who want to vote will be given a licence to vote. The parties will no longer provide ministers, but will only prepare the issues that are considered relevant in the respective election by means of information films (with fact check). The licence to vote on these issues will be granted when the personalised information films on the respective issues of the election have been demonstrably viewed and understood on the internet.
Anyone who has a voting licence for the respective topic will then be able to vote. Each electoral licence will be personalised and have various biological access features. Ministers will be non-partisan professionals, selected and nominated by independent recruitment agencies. A ministerial body will appoint the ministers.
People will be able to shape their lives and the state better and better through awareness and the use of their intelligence, which is no longer blocked. People who do not care about the state, who remain without a voting licence or do not vote, will pay about 10% more taxes because of the higher effort on the part of the state.
Demagogues and dictators will no longer find a breeding ground in a democracy that does not stir up fears for the future but develops solutions for the future and in which no fears can be spread via the media, especially those that activate instincts and eliminate creativity.
Our future
The "metadata" will be released and made available to all for the creation of ethical project and company balance sheets and for the development of optimised and sustainable products and concepts. The metadata of the National Security Agency (NSA) belongs to all people!
People will be able to live almost forever.
All resources will be able to be provided in abundance globally through the creativity of humankind - all the more so with a sharply increasing world population (as already proven in the past).
What remains to be done?
Touch the future without fears and start with the 'Second Enlightenment'.
(see also or
1.)As in the Middle Ages: The Church had claimed for itself the sovereignty of interpretation and the sole claim to represent creation. The believer had to believe. Nothing more. He had to submit his mind to the dogmas of the church. If the self-thinking or free-thinking person did not submit, he was excluded from the religion as a heretic or burned or executed in some other way. The history of the Church also shows that the highest representatives of the faith distanced themselves from creation through dogmas and the interpretations of faith in the times of the Inquisition, contradicted creation in its essence and dissolved creation with the interpretative sovereignty they claimed in this world. The spiritual and health development of the population in the Middle Ages stopped or declined. This could only be ended with the long process of the Enlightenment and the revolutions because the populations taught themselves to read and write from the beginning of printing until the end of the 18th century.
Today, the non-believer in art who doubts the words of art historians: "That there is no simple way and no art formula for the understanding of art for the population, but only the belief in the definitions of a certain work of the art historian produces art" and expresses this is subjected to a kind of bullying or ignorance process. But this also proves the art historian's claim to sole representation and sole interpretative sovereignty for human creations and will lead, not least through arbitrariness, to limitations (instead of freedom to the essence of creation) in the bringing forth of works of art by artists, the evolution of art history as well as IQ development and the innovative power in the population.
Art historians do not deny that art is creation. However, a distinction must be made between objective art that contains information that is new in the history of fine art and represents an evolution in art history and works that do not contain any innovation in art history but only evoke or trigger new individual information as a subjective work of art in the various viewers worldwide. No work of art history, no objective work of art, is created by a subjective interpretation of the art historian or the art observer of a subjective work of art in the visual arts if the work itself does not exhibit any innovations in the visual arts. Subjective + Subjective = Subjective Work of Fine Art. In contrast, a subjective interpretation of a work of visual art that has no innovation in art history itself can be an Objective Work of Art in literature through its interpretive textual innovations.
Although the interpretations of artworks make it possible to establish an art movement in literature, they cannot identify subjective art, copies, plagiarism, and decoration in the visual arts as objective artworks, since the works lack the necessary two interlocking and mutually justifying innovations for objective artworks of form and content.
The dividing line that provides clarity in the visual arts is between Objective Art and Subjective Art, and between the visual arts and the literature of "interpretive art" as a possible art movement in its own right. Art historians should know these dividing lines through their studies, otherwise they have not paid attention in class. For those art historians who are aware of the dividing lines in art and do not take them into account in their interpretations and do not publish them in their evaluations of works of art, this is fraud through misinformation and in the overall context of genetics, epigenetics, health, democracy and freedom as well as in relation to social development; ASOCIAL as well as aiding and abetting slavery and exploitation of the population and violates the German Basic Law, the constitutions and criminal laws of most states as well as the UN Human Rights Charter.
This should not be misunderstood. All arts, art movements and art interpretations are necessary and important to pick up society from their different levels of education and creativity, from their platforms of consciousness of their age, culture and previous education, and to uncover and stimulate the power of innovation or creativity in the population with the art formula for creations that transcends all platforms. However, this will not succeed if the boundaries of innovations, creativity and creations in the arts become blurred, since the genetically existing, selective perception for innovations cannot grasp or comprehend them and thus the mirror neurons in the brain cannot fulfil their task for the preservation of the species and the evolution of man to become more creative himself by adopting understood innovations. The fog of arbitrariness, which contradicts the inner core and principle of creations, dissolves through the comprehension and application of creative power in the consciousness of the art-viewer through the blurring of art boundaries mixed with false information. According to Joseph Beuys, for our further evolution of society (social sculpture) we need a clearly defined art formula that makes the creation in the work visible to everyone in the simplest way. Since the state, the school systems and the classical media have not published the art formula to date, further enlightenment can be provided by the art exhibition with the formula i = E = MC2 and presented in the new media.
Just as people had to teach themselves to read and write without state help for over three centuries after the printing press, the populations of the countries will liberate themselves from the neuronal transmission of creativity through the art formula with the help of the new media. This will not be another process of over 300 years but can happen in every country with the exhibition in the museums or with the help of the new media with the art formula in 3 months.
With the transfer of creativity and creation to the population, aggression, depression, disease, poverty, war, terrorism, fascism, racism, exploitation, exclusion and crime are further dissolved. The holistic education, humanism, health, prosperity and freedom in the populations grows clearly measurable in a few years and gives democracy the decisive renewing power for an ethical holistic future for man and nature.
2.)Objective art is everything that produces new objective knowledge in art history, which through the work as a newly conceived, as a recognised or as yet unrecognised innovation in form and content, as well as through the history of art through the innovations in the work in the documentation of the evolution of art as a transmission of knowledge can be empirically proven by every observer of art history with the new work. This process of testing the innovations and the new neuronal networks does not only take place in the brain of the subjective viewer through the art formula, and is thus also of subjective effect, but is objectively documented in natural science through the innovations in art history, since the works of art publicly display the process of knowledge of the innovations in their history outside the brain of the viewer in the museums. The works in the museums thus document the objective art process of the evolution of art history. Accordingly, everything that can add innovations in form and content to art history can be objective art. Through the transmission of recognised creativity, the consciousness or IQ of the person who understands art is simultaneously developed through millions of new neurobiological networks in the brain. If this process is transferred to the population with the art formula, we will have humanistic and economically prosperous, democratic societies.
Objective art = innovations in art history / change in art history / a change in the consciousness of the viewer is possible through objective art, which, however, can trigger different subjective changes and insights in each viewer.
Subjective art is what is declared as art by art experts (without being objective art) or perceived as art by the viewer and subjective experiences independent of art history for the consciousness of the individual, which triggers new thoughts in the consciousness of the viewer through what is perceived or through the work and enables reinforcing or new neurobiological brain networks through the mirror neurons.
Subjective art = decoration, non-art, copy = no art historical innovation / A change in the consciousness of the viewer is just as possible through subjective art. It is therefore up to the evolutionary state (which innovations of works of art the viewer is aware of) of the insights and images of the viewer's consciousness whether an innovation in a subjective work of art is recognised by him as new information. It is a biological evolutionary process: only new knowledge changes the neuronal network of the viewer.
Subjective art and objective art can trigger individually different thought processes and neuronal networks in each viewer. In contrast to objective art, however, this process in subjective art can only be determined subjectively, primarily by the viewer himself or by new imaging procedures of the brain of the recognising viewer or by IQ tests of the viewer.
In Objective Art, on the other hand, the information of the innovation in the work of art is publicly and scientifically empirically available and comprehensible to all people in museums through the work itself and the history of art. To this end, the key to understanding the arts (an ABC theory of the arts and a graphic formula of the arts that can be easily understood by all people) as well as the information that understanding the arts is not a bread and butter luxury but immediately produces neuronal improvements in creativity, intelligence and health as well as a developing prosperity, has been lacking, favouring the establishment and maintenance of dictatorial systems of power and to the detriment of democracy.
3) Information that permanently generates fear of the future causes mutations in the nerve cells - the IQ of the recipients is temporarily strongly lowered, but latently permanently lowered in small steps despite the Flynn effect. See also the scientific research studies on the Internet on: Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Suffering, Aggression, Suicide, IQ Lowering, Terrorism, Wars and Genocides. The Fundacion Liedtke wants to create an independent scientific study of many years' duration, which summarises the conglomerate of causes and their effects as well as the interaction of the various fears and creativity blockages on humans from numerous scientific empirical studies. The content and aim of this study is a catalogue of countries that records and classifies the states of fear and impediments to creativity in the populations and puts them in relation to the human rights granted in the country, the average IQ of the populations, the cases of suicide, crime, racial and xenophobia, populism, the freedom of the media, the results of the Pisa studies in relation to the democracy and politics of the country and evaluates them in order to gain new insights and solutions on how we can shape the world more ethically and how all people can live better in it.
4.)The programming of fear for the future through the media as through thugs from the Nazi era is deeply anchored in the German population and epigenetically networked with the then existing reasons of a better life in the Nazi empire and the falsely seen improved possibilities of the collective, the danger for one's own life through sympathy and closeness and to the ideas of the persecuted, with the possibility to spend one's life in concentration camps until death or murder.
5) The connection between epigenetics and art also includes the failure of the politicians in power in 1999 to stop the Second Enlightenment by closing the art exhibition art open, so that the old epigenetic imprint of anti-Semitism, racism and the exclusion of those who think differently could not be removed with the art formula. The formula eliminates through symbiosis all unnatural limitations of genetics, neurobiology, cultures, societies and between rich and poor or old and young. It is the symbol of a unification of opposites that enters the subconscious as knowledge and from here shapes conscious thinking. Selective perception is once again attuned to curiosity, creativity, innovation and evolution in thinking and the subconscious. "Rubbish information" that does not contain any innovation and knowledge about evolution or causes fears rushes through in the consciousness, does not find its way into the subconscious and can thus only form the thought nest of a depression, neurosis or IQ reduced and externally determined programmed view with difficulty because this information of evolution is not perceived as significant by the selective perception after knowledge and even contradicts it. A global introduction of the art formula would dissolve racism in every country (and every country has its own history) as well as anti-Semitism and fascism through the epigenetic abolition of the boundaries within art and art to man through more creativity, intelligence and empathy in the populations.
6.)According to new, neuronal and epigenetic research results, the stored creativity from the artworks is transferred to the population through art recognition via mirror neurons in the brain, counteracting the reduction, dissociation and limitation of mind, empathy as well as genetic-psychological abilities. Eric Kandel received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2000 (together with Carlsson and Greengard, concerning the transmission of signals in nerve cells). Further research results on the interaction of mirror neurons in the brain with genetics and epigenetics confirmed the statement years later: information, art and imagination develop the epigenetic restructuring of the gene programmes so that we can develop prosperously in the changing environment.
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